Have you ever encountered a food popularized by the media, and your first thought was that no one likes this? An internet thread discussed ten foods people pretend to enjoy to impress others. What are yours?
1. Cauliflower

"Man, I feel bad for cauliflower. It didn't ask to be [gross] chicken wings or fart-flavored rice. It's just trying to be broccoli's dropout brother and live in the attic playing Halo," a cauliflower despiser writes.
2. Vegan Cheese

Vegan cheese has good intentions, but it falls flat on execution. "I tried to make spaghetti with this stuff once. Ninety percent of it curled around the fork I used to mix it in and was so stuck to it that I had to soak that thing for a full day in hot soapy water to get the rest off. What the is that [stuff] made out of?" a non-vegan complains.
3. Escargot
Craving snails? This person doesn't comprehend why anyone would. "The sheer amount of melted butter and garlic it’s served with tells me enough to know that no one actually likes the snail part," they marvel.
4. Black Licorice
One believes black licorice should be used instead of time out. Another anti-black licorice taste tester writes that the candy is tasteless and too sticky for anyone to enjoy.
5. Oysters
Many people compare oysters to the consistency of snot, claiming if they wanted to eat snot, they'd save their money and blow their nose in their hand. A few other responders express that the first being to taste oysters had to be under the influence of alcohol.
6. Caviar
While loads of people adore the fish unfertilized fish egg dish known as caviar, several foodies cringe at the idea of consuming raw fish eggs. Salty, ocean-flavored eggs aren't for everyone.
7. Kale
"It has an amazing ability to taste soggy, stale, overcooked, and undercooked all at the same time. It’s revolting. Just give me some cabbage or lettuce. Not some Wish.com vegetable," a kale protestor voices.
8. Celery
This green vegetable puts off countless individuals due to its taste. Of course, celery tastes different to different people, just like any food, but somebody utters it evokes a strong, soapy taste, and "fresh celery tastes like it’s trying to tell you it’s poisonous. Like things in nature do to deter predators."
9. Anchovies
I gagged whenever I encountered anchovies at my last job. They came on top of the Caesar salad only by special request, and I can't understand how someone enjoys grey fish dunked in salty brine. But a lot of people ordered them.
10. Fake Cheese
This is different than vegan cheese. Fake cheese is a plastic-like, rich orange color that is in no way the dairy product we know as cheese. Typically, this cheese comes in two brands, Kraft and Velveeta. Users think Velveeta wants to be cheese but will never realize its dream.
Source: Reddit.
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