We put a lot of trust in chefs today. We hope they prepare our food without any extraneous and inedible materials before it arrives at our tables, but sometimes that isn't the case. According to the internet, here are ten horrible items patrons have found in their food.
1. Hair in Calamari

"One time, I was celebrating a birthday at a fancy restaurant on the waterfront. I'm talking candle-lit tables and fresh seafood right out of the Pacific Ocean. I ordered calamari as an appetizer, and when it came out, there was a giant ball of hair and washcloth strings wrapped up. Like when you take things out of the dryer and long hair wraps around strings that came off clothing. The server explained that it was the color of the dish towels the cooks used. Didn't apologize and cleared the plate. When the check came, I couldn't believe it was still on the bill. The manager removed it promptly, but it was disgusting," a forum member recoils.
2. Rubber Glove in Pancake

Who doesn't love a rubber glove in their buttermilk stack? One patron claims their mother ordered pancakes from the International House of the delicacy and found a fully intact rubber glove baked into the batter. Sure makes for an appetizing sugar substitute.
3. Molding in Pho
Have you ever ordered Uber Eats and requested a refund? An individual writes about a time they ordered pho from a local Vietnamese restaurant, but when the delivery driver dropped off the bag, they noticed something strange about their soup. The stew contained molding from the building's door frame and floorboards. I guess this restaurant offers a scoop of molding instead of an extra egg for an upcharge.
4. Black Caterpillar, KFC
You know what's finger-lickin' good? Chicken stuffed with fuzzy, creepy, crawling black caterpillars. A responder remembers the dining occasion at Kentucky Fried Chicken when a lengthy, live dark caterpillar swiveled out of the chicken and made its presence known.
5. Pizza Screw
A former pizza shop worker lends this story. During a shift at the pie factory, the worker distributed piping hot pizzas; however, one customer returned an unsatisfactory dough pile. The reason? A screw found its way into the pizza sauce, making for a metal meal.
6. Plastic in Sushi
I ordered my favorite sweet potato vegetarian roll at a local sushi restaurant, expecting a delectable dinner. When I bit into the first piece, I heard a crack. I grabbed a napkin and reached for the pointy material. A plastic fork prong finessed its way into the sushi roll. The waiter rushed over and gave me a first responders discount.
7. Cockroach Near the Coffee
"One time, I was sitting down to drink Cafe Minnie's, a nasty sludge they call coffee in Seattle, and a live cockroach scurried across my table. My waiter smashed it like it was no biggie and proceeded to seat me and my friend. We opted out," a horrified user contributes.
8. Ladybug in Salad
Rest in peace, Sweet Tomatoes, or if you live on the west coast, Souplantation. The salad buffet restaurant stole many hearts and filled several stomachs, yet like every restaurant, it had flaws. My friend once scooped a serving of wonton salad on her plate and spotted a ladybug waltzing through the wontons.
9. Meal Worm
Although meal worms pack a dense nutrient count and are healthy for human consumption, no one likes eating them. Especially not when they appear in a breakfast item from a small business. A foodie says their coworker treated them to breakfast one day, and their colleague discovered the bait.
10. Fake Nail
The Food Service industry advocates against long nails to prevent them from ending up in food and drink. A server notes one time, they scooped a milkshake for a customer and didn't notice their coworker's fake nail falling off and into the ice cream.
Source: Reddit.
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