When the world is brand new to you, it’s easy to believe some wild things in your effort to understand the world. Many things can confuse a child, and this often leads to believing things that would seem absurd to an adult. Here are things that various people fervently believed when they were children.
Being an Adult Is Fun
Many kids see adults doing things they aren’t allowed to do. This leads to the belief that adults can do whatever they want, which must be non-stop fun. Once reaching adulthood, people usually see that the belief was unfounded.
Teachers Live at School
This is a common belief among children in school. They only see the teacher when they’re at school, and they start to think that the teacher lives there. Think of the shock so many kids have when they see a teacher outside of school.
Grownups Know Everything
Adults constantly teach you when you’re a child, so that must mean they know everything. This is a belief many children have because they learn so much from adults. Many believe this until they become adults and realize they don’t know as much as they thought they would.
There’s a Giant Trash Hole
Where does trash go when you throw it away? Into the trash hole, of course. Many kids believe there’s a huge hole that trash goes into so that it’s gone for good. Unfortunately, kids learn a very different truth when they get older.
The Higher You Go, the Warmer It Is
This belief is caused when children reason that getting up to a high point brings you closer to the sun, which will warm you up. Of course, they soon learn that the opposite is true. Being up high causes you to cool down quickly.
The Man Inside the Earth
If the Earth is round, there must be a man at the center of it who controls it. In that way, he drives it like a spaceship and can destroy it if he wants to. It may be fanciful, but it makes sense in a kid-logic way.
Childhood Friendship Turns into Romance
The trope of the friends as children turning into romantic partners later is a pervasive one. Kids can be forgiven for thinking that this is the norm. It worked in Forrest Gump.
Peeling Skin = Turning into a Snake
When a kid gets a sunburn and their skin peels, they may think that means they’re shedding their skin like a snake. This must mean that they’re actually turning into a snake, right? It can seem logical to kids.
Swallow a Seed, Grow a Plant
It’s a common childhood belief that if you swallow a watermelon seed, a watermelon plant will grow inside you. That plant will keep growing inside you and eventually poke out of your mouth. You might get some new watermelons that way.
Parents Get Babies from the Hospital
Parents will occasionally go to the hospital and come home with a baby. That means that either the hospital gives out babies or there is a fairy there that hands them out.
Everything Works Out Well
This is a great belief, and it’s normal for kids to have. Surely everything will work out the way you want it to, right? With adults taking care of things, it seems like things just work out without effort.
It’s Easy to Win the Lottery
It’s pretty simple to win the lottery, and you’ll probably win it a lot. Sometimes adults give money to kids and tell them that they’ve won. Other times, they hear about lottery winners and know they’ll soon be one of them.
You’re Being Spied On
As a kid, you may wonder if spies out there are keeping tabs on you. There must be secret agents around. Maybe they can look through your walls. Maybe they go through your trash. Of course, as adults, we find out that this is truer than we ever thought possible.
You Can Be Absolutely Anything
Sure, there are many opportunities, but it takes a child to believe that you might one day become an airplane or a rock. Maybe you could turn into a giant mouse? Surely you don’t stay a person forever.
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