What crazy things were you told as a child that you believed? Whether it was your parents or a friend, we were told some crazy things!
Teachers Sleep at School
With how often teachers are at school, would it be surprising to learn that they slept there, too? Especially for young kids, it’s weird to think of your teachers as having a life outside of school. Who knows - they may just have a pillow and blanket tucked away behind the desk,
Swallowing a Watermelon Seed Will Cause a Watermelon to Grow in Your Stomach
Whether it’s a watermelon seed, a cherry pit, or an apple seed, we’ve all heard this infamous myth. If you accidentally fruit seeds, a whole fruit just might grow inside your stomach.
Raise your hand if you’re one of the many children who panicked after swallowing a watermelon seed. Don’t worry; we’re guessing you don’t have a watermelon inside your stomach. Right?
Babies Come From a Fairy in the Hospital
Of all the answers to “Where do babies come from?”, the fairy-in-a-hospital myth was one of the most believable. Your parents disappear to the hospital and return with a new baby. Of course, it makes sense that they were given it by a fairy!
Turning 18 Means You Automatically Know Everything
When we were kids, turning a new age came with many big, exciting changes. And naturally, 18 was the age we were all looking forward to.
Imagine the disappointment when 18 came around, and… nothing felt different. Still waiting to find out the age where we know everything.
A Sunburn Can Turn You Into a Snake
Kids are often fascinated with how snakes shed their skin, but what happens when we start shedding our skin, too? Sunburn peeling can give the effect of “shedding” - but luckily, that’s where the similarities between people and snakes stop.
There’s a Man Living in the Center of the Earth
Children’s natural curiosity can sometimes lead them to wild places - including the center of the earth? Some of us imagined a man living at the center of the earth and controlling everything with the push of a button.
Touching a Toad Will Give You Warts
Just because toads are covered in warty skin doesn’t mean they’ll actually make you contract warts if you touch them. Still, it might be best to leave those amphibians alone.
The Higher up You Go, the Warmer It Gets
The higher you go, the closer you get to the sun, right? Don’t be the kid who doesn’t bring a jacket on a ski trip because you think it’ll be warm on top of the mountain. You’ll learn your lesson quickly (and be cold for quite a while afterward).
Don't Cross Your Eyes, or They Will Get Stuck That Way
Once a kid learns to cross their eyes, they never want to stop. It’s likely that’s where the myth of permanently crossed eyes came from. Who wants to be the parent of the kid who won’t stop crossing their eyes?
All Dogs Are Boys and All Cats Are Girls
It’s true that dogs give off masculine energy and cats give off feminine energy - but we all know that’s not how the world works! Children, however, are often more easily fooled.
When You Kiss Someone it Means You Are Married to Them
Two people only kiss when they’re married, right? An innocent playground kiss doesn’t usually turn into marriage - but you never know!
Girls Brains are the Same Size as Squirrel's Brains
Dads telling their sons that girls have the same-sized brains as squirrels might seem lighthearted and fun. That is, until you’re in science class trying to convince your teacher that her brain is definitely the same size as the brain of a squirrel.
The World Used to Be Black and White
Black and white pictures, movies, TV shows… is that what the world used to look like? Children used to seeing old black-and-white photos of their relatives might wonder why the world doesn’t look like that anymore.
The Moon Follows Your Car When You're Driving
Everything zips by your car window, but the moon stays in the same place. For kids who don’t understand how distance and motion works, it will likely appear like the moon is following them.
Source: Reddit
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