It may be a no-brainer that eating fast food is a dumb nutritional choice. Unfortunately, every bite of junk food is making you more stupid. It’s a scientific fact; here’s what you need to know.
Remembering Is Hard
Fast food and other junk foods are generally low in nutrients and sky-high in saturated fats and added sugar. The bad fats and overdoses of sugar can make it harder for you to remember even the simplest facts and prevent you from learning new things because fast food reduces the brain’s ability to store experiences as memories.
Fast Track to Depression
Fast food jacks up your body's hormone messengers and neurotransmitters. A lot of people think that if they’re down in the dumps, they should treat themselves to a fast food feast to improve their mood. But, fast food can worsen depression because the junk ingredients can block the happy hormones like serotonin and dopamine.
Fast Food Foolishness
High levels of saturated and trans fats lead almost immediately to brain fog. Your mind feels all fuzzy. Eating from a fast food menu can cause breakdowns in your brain because of the oxidative stress that’s triggered. You’re depriving your brain of oxygen. That’s dumb.
Chronic Illness Served Up With Your Fast Food
Scientists have proven that low-quality foods with tons of bad fats, sugars, and salt can trigger chronic illnesses and even death. People who indulge in fast food regularly put themselves at higher risk of heart disease, obesity, stroke, depression, cancer, and early death. We need to smarten up for a longer, healthier life.
You’re Starving Yourself
Eating fast food causes a nutritional imbalance. You’re loading in the fats, sugars, sodium, calories, and carbs but missing out completely on healthy vitamins, nutrients, and fiber your body needs to survive. Meanwhile, high-fat foods are really hard on your digestive system, so they tend to hang around for a long time, clogging up the works.
You’re Tricked Into Eating More Junk Food
Craving a fast food fix is your brain’s way of (incorrectly) telling you you’ll feel better if you eat the junk. A poor-quality diet shoots your hormones all over the map or blocks them completely. No wonder it’s harder to make good decisions under the influence of unhealthy foods. These same factors are why you may eat a huge burger, large fries, and a giant soft drink in one sitting. Fast food tells your body to keep eating even after you’re completely full.
Tooth Rot
Fast food is horrible for your oral health. The added salt and sugars found in most fast foods make your teeth magnets for harmful acids and nasty food bits. Your teeth get sticky, which breeds tooth decay and cavities.
Sinks Your Sex Life
The sex hormones tied to good health in the bedroom and fertility are derailed by fast food. Estrogen and testosterone get unbalanced, which messes with your performance and ability to make a baby. This is because common ingredients found in most fast foods mess with your thyroid as well as steroid hormones.
A Recipe For Acne
When you eat a bunch of junk food, your blood sugar shoots through the roof, which can irritate the skin and other organs in your body, when you pick greasy foods for your next meal, you’re hurting your body’s inner workings. Burgers and fries also leave a nasty layer of oil and grease on your skin, which can quickly lead to acne breakouts.
Yo-Yo Hunger
Ever noticed that after having fast food for lunch, you’re ready to do it all over again well before dinnertime? Fast food is highly processed, meaning it quickly breaks down in your body and gives you a huge surge of insulin. That gives you a drop in blood sugar, so you think you’re hungry again almost immediately after a junk food meal. It’s also what makes you feel so tired and groggy.
Hooked On The Sugar Rush
Being hit with a sugar high gives you a rush, but it only lasts a moment or two. Then, your body wants it again and again, which leads to sugar addiction. Your body knows how to use dopamine for a happy boost instead of a processed sugar rush. You’re hijacking your poor body and brain when you feed it junk.
Big Belly
We’ve all been there, joking about our food baby after a big, unhealthy meal. What’s not so funny is the fact that fast food is loaded with sodium, which leads your body to hold onto a lot of water in the system, which develops into a fluid build-up that causes your tummy to swell.
Avoiding fast food and other junk foods will make your brain and body healthier, automatically making you a lot smarter!
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