Did you know that by buying online, you may actually be paying more? Some people fall into this trap or habit that shopping online is the way to save money. It can be, but you have to know how to do it. Here are 11 online shopping tricks that work every time.
Price Compare
Price comparison tools are incredibly helpful. Tools like Google Shopping can show you how much a product costs across a few different websites. Pay close attention to shipping costs and how that plays into your purchase.
Abandon Your Cart Just Before Paying
If you abandon your cart just before paying, chances are you will get an email with some type of offer to help you save money on the purchase. Give it a day or two if necessary, but usually, some kind of coupon code comes through.
Pick Your Favorite Brands and Follow Them
If you stay loyal to a brand, you can save a lot. Follow them on social media so that you are ready to capitalize on any sales they have.
Use More Than One Email to Signup
First-time buyers get great discounts. If you are no longer a first time buyer, go ahead and pretend you are by using a different email address.
Price Alert Setting
Set price alerts on products that you are shopping for. Instead of having to look each day to see if the price has dropped, you can simply get an alert sent to you.
More Than One Discount Code
Some websites allow you to apply more than one discount code. Favorite these stores and make sure you use them the next time you need to make some purchases.
Check The Time of The Week
Some brands do big sales on the weekend, and others wait until during the week. Follow along for a few weeks, and you will pick up on a pattern or trend, and then you can capitalize on this for yourself.
Cash Back Websites
Cash back websites let you earn a percentage of your purchase back. The percentage is small, but if you do a lot of online shopping, you will save quite a bit at the end of the year. It’s worth your time to sign up.
Gift Card Specials
Some companies run specials at certain times of the year. These specials include things like purchasing a $50 gift card and getting a $10 gift card for free. These are great ways to grab some extra purchasing power at no cost.
Referral Discounts
Look for companies that offer referral discounts. May will ensure that if you bring a friend in as a customer, they will get 20% off a product, but so will you!
Leave Reviews
Finally, take a few seconds to leave a review, but wait for the email about this. Check the email closely; often, it will say that you get an extra 15 or 20 percent off because you left the review.
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