Everyone has at least one food they can’t stand. We don’t mean something you can eat with a grimace of disgust; we mean things you’d rather go hungry than eat. Following are 15 foods people mention a lot as their most hated, and remember: it’s perfectly okay if you like some of these!
Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
The hate here comes in two forms. One is from people who can’t stand raisins. The other is from people, some of whom like raisins, bite into one of these cookies thinking it’s a chocolate chip cookie.
Most of the time, this is just a garnish that people set aside and don’t eat. However, many who have tried it strongly dislike the taste and think it ruins a dish when chopped up and mixed in as an ingredient.
Cilantro is a clear love-it or hate-it food. While some love it, others feel its strong flavor “pollutes” whatever dish it’s in.
Yes, eggs are really popular, but there are still lots of people who hate them. For some, it’s the taste, but for many others, just the smell of cooked eggs makes them leave the room.
Gristly Meat
Have you ever watched someone eating a steak eat all the fat and gristle, too, and wonder who could do that? You’re far from alone. A lot of people won’t bother with ribeyes despite how tasty they are because there’s so much fat and gristle to deal with.
Lima Beans
When they’re in soup, or another dish that covers up their taste, lima beans may not be so objectionable. However, a lot of people who try them plain never want to have another one in any way, shape, or form.
Pineapple on Pizza
Pizza dates back to the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, but modern pizza is associated with Italy. Maybe that’s why so many people consider putting pineapple on pizza to be on the verge of being felonious.
Tripe, Liver, and Other Organ Meats
Tripe is a cow's stomach prepared as food. The liver is, well, liver. There are people who like organ meats, but there seem to be many who won’t try them again or at all.
Coconut hate seems to start at an early age; just look at all the trick-or-treaters eager to give away their Mounds bars and people who won’t eat birthday cake topped with coconut. Fun fact: lots of people who won’t eat coconut like coconut-scented personal-care products!
A common ingredient in soups and salads and often enjoyed as a snack with ranch dressing or some kind of dip, celery nevertheless has quite the number of avid haters. If it’s not the bland taste they dislike, it’s the stringy pieces that get stuck between teeth (or both).
Vegan Meats
Tofu burgers, vegan bacon and sausage...many devoted carnivores will argue that you shouldn’t even be allowed to call them those things. While their minds are already made up, it’s true that a lot of people who have tried those foods with an open mind have decided to say “No thanks” going forward.
Spooning some peas onto a dinner plate has long been a reliable way to make children cry, and mixing them in with other veggies doesn’t trick them, as they just pick them out. Plenty of grownups avoid them, too, with complaints about the taste and the sogginess.
Here’s another Halloween candy that’s often “generously” given away. The hate is especially strong for black licorice.
Burgers with Toppings You Hate
Few things kill an appetite like biting into a burger smothered in the mustard you explicitly asked them to hold. That’s why you always check your burger before biting in or driving away.
For thousands of years, fish and other seafood have been a staple in humans’ diets. That doesn’t mean everyone likes them, though. The taste, texture, and smell are common points raised against seafood, but anyone who loves diving into a pile of crab legs might be shocked to know that a lot of people are just creeped out by the sight of crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and other shellfish.
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