As Boomers age out of the workforce and younger generations fill their places, many trends, practices, and ideals Boomers espouse are gone or fading. We’ve compiled a list of 15 that have either finished their run or are winding down.

There was a time when cable was the only real TV choice other than local networks. People paid high monthly fees for dozens or hundreds of channels they mostly never watched, and cable companies were notorious for poor customer service and jacking up rates because they could. Now, streaming services offer the opportunity to watch just what you want at a much lower price, and millions have canceled their cable plans or not gotten one at all.
Devotion to Jobs You Hate and Companies That Don’t Care About You

Boomers grew up in a time when job security was better than it is today, and there was a strong belief in sticking with a job even if you didn’t like it because you could at least guarantee an income for your family. Over time, companies began treating workers as more expendable, and employees are returning the favor by making a change when something better comes along.
Mined Diamonds
As people began to learn about “blood diamonds” and the working conditions in African diamond mines, the appeal of buying mined diamonds took a hit. Plus, a relative handful of companies control the diamond supply, keeping prices higher than they need to be. Lab-created diamonds have provided a more affordable option, and many people have turned to other jewelry alternatives.
Houses Way Too Big and Expensive for Your Needs
For a long time, people mostly aspired to buy modest-sized homes suited to their needs, but then came the “McMansions” craze, largely driven by Boomers and Gen Xers. Younger generations are more into downsizing and are happier for it.
Demanding To Speak to the Manager over Petty Things
There are times when you need to call the manager over, but one less pickle on your burger than expected or a little more ice than you wanted isn’t one of them. There seems to be less of that these days.
Big-Name Pet Food Brands
We won’t pick on individual brands, but it took a long time for people to realize they were paying too much for pet food, mostly filler material with little nutritional content. Better options are widely available now, and more people are taking them even when they cost more.
The Traditional Workweek
For most people, the 5-day, 40-hour workweek is a grind that leads to burnout. It’s also hugely inefficient because people waste so much time in the office or don’t need all that time to get their work done. We were starting to trend away from this in recent decades, but the pandemic greatly boosted remote work, hybrid work, and 4-day workweeks.
Pointless Formality at Work
Boomers and a lot of Gen Xers have mostly experienced workplaces where men wore suits and ties, and women wore dresses. Today, a lot of companies have gone with more casual attire, and people are happier, more comfortable, and more productive.
Facebook isn’t going away anytime soon, but its days of explosive growth seem over. Younger generations complained about Boomers taking over the site, and so they fled to other platforms. Few are coming back.
Taxi Companies
Taxis also aren’t about to disappear, but the industry has suffered with the appearance of services like Uber and Lyft. To survive, they may have to change practices that people have long complained about.
Bad Chain Restaurants
Again, we won’t single out any individuals, but many chain restaurants aren’t that good yet still charge high prices. People are increasingly taking their appetites and dollars to locally owned, more trendy locations.
The Belief That Everyone Should Have Children
There’s long been pressure to go to college, get married, buy a house in the suburbs, and have children. That’s perfectly fine if you want those things, but they’re not for everyone, and you’re seeing more and more younger people do things differently.
Disposable Plastic Items
Every year, tons upon tons of single-use plastic items end up in landfills, along roads, and in waterways. Fortunately, more people are starting to push back against the trend of using so many of these items.
Phone Books
When did you last use or even see the White or Yellow Pages? They’re still around here and there, but their time is mostly over.
Wedding Traditions Followed for the Sake of Tradition
Many people have followed some wedding traditions like getting married in a church or the bride wearing white because they didn’t want to ruffle family feathers, not because they wanted to do those things. Nowadays, more couples are saying “No thanks” and getting married the way their hearts tell them to. Want to know about more trends Millennials and Gen Zers are abandoning? Check this out!
10 Popular Foods That Men Voted They Can't Bring Themselves To Eat
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10 Foods Americans Eat That Are Banned in Other Countries
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10 Popular Foods Meant To Be Served Hot That People Prefer Cold. Do You?
Some people swear coffee can only be prepared with one method, or it’s improper. Others will take it cold, hot, on ice, or any other way. Are there certain foods that are supposed to be served fresh and hot that you prefer cold? This list came about because of an internet discussion where people argued whether foods like pizza or fried chicken could be eaten cold. Get the list here.
The Boomer Food Hall of Fame: 10 Dishes That Are Iconic for Baby Boomers
Baby boomers lived through tricky historical times, so we must be mindful of their food choices. My parents in England grew up in Austerity Britain between 1945 and 1955 when war rationing continued. While some of the meals that survived this era may still be with us, who would begrudge people for craving their childhood favorites? In a recent online post, people suggest foods baby boomers still love. Get the list here.
12 Boomers Facts You Were Taught As A Child Only To Find Out They Were Not True
If you grew up with Boomer parents or had Boomer teachers, you probably heard a lot of things that you later came to realize (or maybe did at the time) just weren’t true. Some of these things were well-meaning. Some seemed about making you behave, while some were downright bizarre. Get the list.
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