Everyone gets food poisoning once in a while. Sometimes, it’s a mild case requiring a single toilet or sink trip. Other times, it’s more severe. What were the causes? People shared their stories.
Convenience Store Fried Chicken

This guy was on a camping trip and stopped to get some fried chicken to have for dinner. All was fine. Then, at about 5 A.M., it wasn’t. He had to get a motel room because, for the next 15 hours, he couldn’t stay far from a toilet for long or keep anything down.
Bad Lettuce

It was on a sub he got, and it looked a little wilted but still okay. It turned out not to be, and the next couple of hours weren’t much fun.
Something in the Pot Roast

A family with grandparents visiting had a pot roast for dinner. Later that night and the next day, everyone but the cook got sick. Did he know something they didn’t?
Undercooked Shrimp
The night before, a man prepared a nice steak-and-shrimp dinner for himself and his wife. He thought the shrimp were a bit undercooked, and the next day, he and his wife were both sick. It was at the height of the pandemic, and the husband’s employer said that since he had covid-like symptoms, he couldn’t return to work until he tested negative. So he got to stay home all week on paid leave. Maybe it was worth a few hours of an upset stomach.
Suspect Milk
It was past the sell-by date. It didn’t smell fresh, but it didn’t smell bad, either. Drinking it was a bad choice.
Something Fishy
At a staff dinner, there was a choice of beef or fish. Most of the people who got the fish were sick the next day. But it was easy to get a good parking spot.
Kmart Chicken
Some Kmarts used to have diners. A former employee shared a story of eating chicken at one just before his shift and suffering explosive diarrhea and vomiting an hour later.
A Bad Egg
A person reported about a time he ate a hard-boiled egg that seemed a bit questionable. When he violently vomited shortly after, he fell and slipped a disc in his back, rendering him unable to walk for a month.
Not-So-Frozen Frozen Pizza
Always beware of moisture and ice crystals on packages of frozen food and the food itself; they’re signs of a freezer that’s too warm. One person took a chance on a semi-frozen pizza, and it came out on both ends in the middle of the night.
Pressure from a Pressed Cuban Sandwich
More than one person had a cautionary tale about Cuban sandwiches. The most memorable involved clothing that had to be left on the side of the road.
Beware Ready-Made Sandwiches
Those premade sandwiches you find in convenience stores are cheap and come in handy, but you can’t always tell how fresh they are. Several people shared stories of regret after eating one of these.
A Whopping Whopper
A family of 5 all had burgers at a Burger King and then got back on the road. In short order, they were all sick and had to share a single toilet at the gas station, where they made an emergency stop.
A Dangerous Dip
No one should ever suffer what this poor man went through. He had a French dip at a well-known family restaurant, and driving home, he thought he had to pass some gas, only that’s not what came out. Even worse, he was stuck in traffic and stuck in “it” for 2 hours.
The Worst of All
Here’s the finale in this awful trio and the last entry on our list: A man was driving his wife, who had just gone into labor, to the hospital. The dip he’d eaten got him the same way (these people did not all dine at the same place), and the smell caused his wife to vomit all over the front of the car. Read more shocking stories of food poisoning!
10 Seriously Boomer Foods That Boomers Love According to the Internet
Baby boomers lived through tricky historical times, so we must be mindful of their food choices. My parents in England grew up in Austerity Britain between 1945 and 1955 when war rationing continued. While some of the meals that survived this era may still be with us, who would begrudge people for craving their childhood favorites? In a recent online post, people suggest foods baby boomers still love. Find the list here.
10 Popular Foods That Men Voted They Can't Bring Themselves To Eat
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10 Foods Americans Eat That Are Banned in Other Countries
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10 Popular Foods Meant To Be Served Hot That People Prefer Cold. Do You?
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The Boomer Food Hall of Fame: 10 Dishes That Are Iconic for Baby Boomers
Baby boomers lived through tricky historical times, so we must be mindful of their food choices. My parents in England grew up in Austerity Britain between 1945 and 1955 when war rationing continued. While some of the meals that survived this era may still be with us, who would begrudge people for craving their childhood favorites? In a recent online post, people suggest foods baby boomers still love. Get the list here.
12 Boomers Facts You Were Taught As A Child Only To Find Out They Were Not True
If you grew up with Boomer parents or had Boomer teachers, you probably heard a lot of things that you later came to realize (or maybe did at the time) just weren’t true. Some of these things were well-meaning. Some seemed about making you behave, while some were downright bizarre. Get the list.
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