Throughout our lifetimes, we inevitably have to memorize small nuggets of knowledge from time to time. Some of the things we memorize are useful, while others still take up our mental real estate for seemingly no reason at all. Read on for a list of 15 things people memorized but have absolutely no use for anymore.

When we’re growing up, we often memorize the birthdays of our friends from elementary, middle, and high school. While it’s a considerate gesture, the knowledge becomes mostly useless once everyone graduates and you never see those people again.
Phone Numbers

Whether it’s your childhood landline number or the digits you used to call up your friends back in the day, phone numbers seem to stick in the back of our minds for a long time. Depending on how old you are, you might even remember a phone number with less digits than we’re familiar with today.
If you were a math whiz back in school, you might have tried to memorize as many digits of pi as possible. Maybe it was for a good grade on your project, or perhaps it was just to impress your classmates. Regardless, there’s a good chance that knowledge is mostly useless to you today.
Sometimes English teachers like to challenge students to memorize entire poems and maybe even recite a passage to the class. While pulling a whole poem out of your brain might be a semi-impressive party trick, this knowledge won’t do much else for you today.
If you still have a company’s jingle from years ago stuck in your head today, you have that brand’s expert marketing team to thank. Granted, certain earworms (like the classic O’Reilly Auto Parts tune) are just too good to be forgotten.
Cheat Codes
If you played video games growing up, there’s a good chance you tried to impress your friends or pass an impossible level using cheat codes you found online. These special combinations of button mashing are hard to remove from your muscle memory.
Viral Videos
Did your friends ever send you a link to that McDonald’s drive-thru rap song? Maybe these lyrics will ring a bell: “I need a double cheeseburger, hold the lettuce, don’t be frontin son, no seeds on the bun…”
If you HAVE seen this video, you definitely already have the rhythm playing in your head.
Random Facts
Some concepts they taught us in school were hard to grasp. Others they drilled into our heads until we couldn’t possibly forget. For example, everyone seems to remember memorizing that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. Why did our teachers always word it exactly like that? Maybe we’ll never know: but we do know the powerhouse of the cell.
The Greek Alphabet
Most people are familiar with letters like Alpha, Beta, and if you were involved in college Greek life, letters like Delta, Lambda, and Zeta might also be familiar. But if you ever took the time to memorize the entire Greek Alphabet, there’s a good chance you never get the opportunity to put this knowledge to good use.
Unless you work as an engineer or mathematician today, you probably aren’t using any of the equations or formulas you memorized back in grade school. Still, equations such as “y = mx + b” will always hold a special spot in the very back of our brains.
Theme Songs
Got all the words to the “Friends” theme memorized? Committed the entire speech at the beginning of “Avatar: The Last Airbender” to memory? While your commitment is impressive, this wisdom isn’t useful for much more than simple nostalgia.
Historic Documents
Lots of us were tasked with memorizing the Preamble to the Constitution or the Gettysburg Address as part of our lessons about American history. While these old speeches and documents can certainly be cool to learn about, reciting them won’t do much for you today.
When you say or write a particular address many times over and over again, whether it’s a place you frequently visit or a home that you mail packages to, you’re bound to remember it forever even if you no longer need to.
Made-Up Songs
Maybe you and your elementary school pals made up a special friendship song in first grade that will never leave your mind. Perhaps you have a special song you sing to your dog when it’s time to go outside. No matter the tune, these funny little songs we come up with tend to stick in our brains.
ID Numbers
Whether it’s your old student number from high school or college, or maybe even the SSN of a past spouse, it can be hard to shake these specific digit combos from the brain once they’re memorized.
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