Has there ever been a food that was popular with lots of people but you couldn’t figure out what the big deal was all about? If your answer is “Yes,” you’re far from alone. Following are some foods that a lot of people think are overrated at best.
Gold Flaking
You see this a lot on dessert foods and sometimes on entrees. It adds no discernible flavor, but it probably does add a little to what you pay. What’s the point?
Fondant Icing
It may look pretty, and supposedly there are people who like it, but it seems there’s a lot of hate for it out there. Most people appear to prefer plain old icing.
Tall Burgers
A towering burger looks delicious, and it usually is. However, once the ingredients start sliding out every time you take a bite, it’s not so great. A wider burger with more space to spread the toppings out works a lot better.
Complicated Sushi Rolls
People like sushi because they like sushi, not to see how creative the chef can be. This is one of those cases where simpler is usually better.
We’re talking about the mushrooms here, though the chocolate versions often don’t live up to the hype, either. These mushrooms are great when prepared well, but do they really live up to the raves and are they worth the price?
Just because it goes with so many things doesn’t mean ketchup is as great as it’s cracked up to be. It’s basically crushed tomatoes with sugar added. Ask yourself: would you eat ketchup by itself?
This isn’t to say bacon isn’t tasty. Aside from vegans and vegetarians, who doesn’t like bacon? Even some who have given up meat will admit they miss having bacon. However, judging from the reactions when it’s part of a breakfast bar or someone at the office heats some up, you’d think being served bacon was like winning the lottery. Is it that good?
As many people will attest, New York-style pizza is out of this world. That’s not the problem. The problem is that for a lot of people who have had New York-style pizza, all other pizza, even good pizza, tastes like cardboard.
Wagyu Beef
Sure, it’s delicious, but is it worth the steep price? And unless you like gristle and marbling, these steaks aren’t a lot of fun to cut and eat.
Steak with the Bone In
Supposedly, the bone adds more flavor, but unless you’re a true gourmand, you probably won’t notice the difference. Plus, after trimming the fat and discarding the bone, you’re often left with far less steak than the weight on the package suggested.
Gourmet Cupcakes
Somewhere along the way, commercial cupcake makers decided that what people wanted was more icing and more sweet. Now, those huge cupcakes that look so tasty are often nothing more than a big sugar bomb. Notice how people frequently scrape away some of the icing.
Among the many overrated foods, turkey is a standout. It’s lean and inexpensive, but it’s also drier than chicken and bland in taste unless it’s buried in gravy or mixed with other more flavorful foods. Although it’s a popular lunch meat and salad addition, many people are perfectly happy to have it just once a year on Thanksgiving.
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