If you’re a Millennial or part of Gen Z, there’s a good chance you grew up around lots of Boomers, and over the years, this generation has been notorious for giving life advice about the right way to do things. While some of that guidance was helpful and still relevant today, other pieces of wisdom from Boomers have become defunct in our modern society. In this list, we’re taking a look at 12 common advice offerings from Boomers, which are technically useless today.
Always Carry Change For a Payphone
With payphones continuing to disappear from cities all around the world, it’s easy to see why this advice, while well-intentioned, simply doesn’t work anymore. Instead of carrying around dimes, having a charger on hand for your cell phone is better.
You Won’t Always Have a Calculator
When young students slaved away in math class working problems out on paper or performing complicated mental math in their head, Boomers always used this advice as the reason why these skills were important. But now, any professional in any field has a calculator right on their phone to perform this arithmetic for them!
Stay Loyal to One Employer
Maybe back in the day, jumping from job to job was a red flag. But now, many industries and positions have high turnover rates. The best way to get a pay raise is often to move companies.
Apply to Jobs In Person
Boomers always harp on the importance of showing your face to a potential employer. They seem to think it will show your dedication and make a good first impression on the boss. However, online applications make hiring more convenient and organized for everyone.
Financial Advice
Many Boomers feel that with a reasonable amount of hard work, you can buy a home, put away savings for retirement, and live a comfortable life. But with our modern economic hardships, this fantasy is rarely the case.
Never Use a Credit Card
Many of us were scared away from taking loans or using these types of cards because Boomers said it would only put us in crippling debt. However, in order to build up credit so you can make important purchases, using a credit card is vital.
Don’t Take Vacations
Boomer advice commonly revolves around impressing your boss by keeping up the appearance of working hard and remaining committed to your job no matter what. But you should never feel guilty for taking the vacation days your job owes you.
Playing Video Games is a Waste
Boomers have many grudges against video games. Some think that they encourage violence, while others think the devices rot our brains. However, many video games promote problem-solving skills. Plus, some people today have made a professional career out of being video game experts.
Participation Trophies
For years, Boomers have complained that younger generations are entitled to rewards without hard work because they say these kids grew up receiving trophies for merely participating in an activity. But when you stop to think about this one, one question becomes clear: who were the people giving out those trophies in the first place? Boomers!
College Degrees = Success
While past generations might have been able to secure a lucrative job without trouble after graduating from college, today many young adults have issues breaking into the professional world due to economic hardships and stiff competition.
Learn Cursive
Boomers often either insisted that cursive was a vital skill for kids to learn in school or lamented that this art form was dying. Either way, this mindset just doesn’t hold up. There are virtually no situations today where cursive is important for life success.
Don’t Sit Too Close to the TV
For some bizarre reasons, many Boomers told their kids that remaining close to the television set for an extended period would result in the permanent crossing of their eyes. It’s not entirely clear where this advice came from, but it is not true.
Source Reddit.
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